If you long to leave behind the bitumen for something a little more rugged, your four-wheel driving knowledge needs to be in top shape before you deviate.
Regardless of whether you’re looking to take a drive on the beach for a spot of fishing or if you’re gearing up for a big adventure on the Gibb River Road, you can get the most out of your trip by sticking to these simple tips.
Know your vehicle
Is it a four-wheel drive or an all-wheel drive? While the two systems sound similar, there are some differences that can affect your trip. All-wheel drives can offer extra traction, but four-wheel drives are designed for off-roading.
If you need some advice, our Motoring Advice team can help.
Check your settings
For all terrain, ensure that the four-wheel drive mode is engaged and hubs are locked.

Water risks
Don’t drive through water that’s higher than the middle of your wheels unless your vehicle is specially prepared to handle deeper water.
If you’re unsure of the depth of water at the crossing, inspect it carefully first and use a stick to measure depth and obstacles.
Tyre preparation
To drive on sand or mud, deflate your tyres until you see a bulge in the tyre walls and lengthened tyre footprint.
When you hit the road again, re-inflate your tyres for the safety of yourself, others, and the condition of your vehicle.
Last updated April 2018