Group photo of the Project Team at the newly transformed KTY Youth Hub

In June 2022, a group of young Trayning locals teamed up with RAC, the Shire of Trayning, and Town Team Movement to develop Trayning’s first dedicated youth space. Here’s how it went.

The Shire of Trayning has a population of just under 300 people. It is a small community spread across the three Wheatbelt towns of Kununoppin, Trayning, and Yelbeni.

In June 2022, the KTY Town Team recognised the need for a shared space for residents from all three towns. They wanted a space for them to gather and connect without having to travel far from their communities.

The KTY Youth Hub transformed an unused part of Trayning into a vibrant indoor and outdoor space. It now has sporting areas, a chill out zone, and a neon mural. Youth involvement in the hub’s design was essential in ensuring it became a welcome and inclusive space for all.

Local youth share their ideas for the new KTY Youth Hub

Local youth share ideas as they develop plans for the KTY Youth Hub.

How young people shaped the KTY Youth Hub

The KTY Youth Hub project gave local young people a unique chance to make a difference and have their voices heard. When asked what inspired them to take part in the project, participants had a variety of responses.

“It will be fun, it’s a cool thing to design for the town, and I’m excited to spend time here afterwards” said one participant.

Many participants noted that they had friends living in other towns within the Shire of Trayning. They were excited to finally have a space where they could hang out with their friends and meet new people.

“My friends live out of town, so I don’t socialise with them often. This project will help me get out of the house and spend less time on my computer games.”

Volunteers help revitalise the outside of the new KTY Youth Hub, planting and building new equipment
Volunteers help revitalise the outside of the new KTY Youth Hub, planting and building new equipment.

The process

The project started with planning workshops. The eager young participants came together to imagine and refine their ideas for their new youth space.

Participants learned the principles of placemaking and urban design. They learned how the project would boost social bonds in the Shire of Trayning. They developed people skills by collaborating, delegating tasks, and joining community discussions. They also learned practical skills like project management, budgeting, painting, and building.

Young volunteers working to set-up the new basketball hoop
The basketball hoop is a popular addition to the Hub's outdoor space.

The outcome

The new KTY Youth Hub has connected participants more deeply to the Shire of Trayning. They've transformed their community space and built key relationships. Moreover, they now have valuable work experience for their future jobs.

The KTY Do-Over in September 2022 saw certificates presented to project participants. This event united the community with a project reveal tour and street party. The party featured food vans, market stalls, live music, a silent disco, and street performers.

The KTY Youth Hub has been formally recognised with a series of award wins, including:

  • State Award winner of the “Great Place” and “Community Wellbeing and Diversity” categories at the 2023 Planning Institute of Australia National Awards for Planning Excellence
  • National Award Winner of the “Community Wellbeing and Diversity” category at the 2024 Planning Institute of Australia National Awards for Planning Excellence
Local youth have a go at street art as they help create the Hub's vibrant mural
Local youth have a go at street art as they help create the Hub's vibrant mural
Local youth have a go at street art as they help create the Hub's vibrant mural.

The importance of youth-led projects

The benefits of youth-led placemaking go beyond the physical results. New community spaces designed by young people for young people help to foster social connections and a create a sense of belonging and ownership. They also provide opportunities for young people to learn hands-on skills and build networks that they can take into the future.

The Hub's neon mural injects colour and energy into the space.
The Hub's neon mural injects colour and energy into the space.
The Hub's neon mural injects colour and energy into the space.

How you can get involved in youth-led projects

Is there a street or place in your community that could use a makeover? We’re always on the lookout for young people to help create new youth-friendly streets and public spaces. Click the button below to register your interest in our next local makeover project.

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