Young people paint outdoor furniture bright purple in a sunny local park

We need young people to help us create calmer, safer and more connected streets across Western Australia. Our projects empower young people to work together and create spaces that improve their communities for everyone.

Help out at our next makeover

We are currently working on where our next Street Makeover project will take place. If you would like to receive information about our next project and how you can get involved, please register your interest below.

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What’s involved

Young people brainstorming with local community members

1. Identify a street

Tell us where you think a street is in need of being made safer and more welcoming in your local area. We’ll see if we can help make it happen.

Youth project team brainstorming ideas

2. Gather ideas

Form a project team and discuss what works and what needs work in the street and surrounding spaces.

Teens participating in a RAC Ignite project workshopping ideas

3. Design solutions

Workshop creative and practical ways to make the street and surrounding spaces safer, calmer and more connected for people of all ages and walks of life.

Youth participant holding a hammer building project furniture

4. Build it

Collaborate with professionals and community members to help your team put your ideas into action.

Local community playing in the new space built by the RAC Ignite youth team

5. Launch it!

Bring the community together to celebrate your project and see the benefits for themselves.

Our recent partners

Projects like these can only happen with teamwork

  • Town Team Movement logo
  • Better Block logo
  • Blank Walls logo
  • Town of Port Hedland logo
  • Shire of Trayning logo
  • Town of Mosman Park logo