Packing can seem like an overwhelming task. But it can be easy – here are our tips on how to pack for a cruise.

2 September, 2019   By: Tatum Stafford

Just like you'd pack differently for backpacking, or for a luxury retreat, packing for a cruise requires a few unique items to be added to your suitcase to make sure you are covered for all eventualities. The other thing to remember is that, unlike a plane, there are no weight restrictions for a cruise, so you can get away with more.

Most cruise ships will have a shop onboard in case you run out or need more basic items of clothing during your trip.

But it's the less basic items you might find wanting. Here's our checklist of things to think about when you pack for your next cruise. 

Dressing up

There are multiple activities on a cruise ship that you'll appreciate having the right clothing for. Check your welcome pack/email and make note of any special occasions that may require a specific attire. For example, your cruise may have a 'formal night', meaning suits, cocktail dresses or evening gowns are all acceptable options of clothing. There might also be restrictions on what you can wear in dining areas - take note.

Image of woman snorkellingConsider the shore excursions and activities that will be available to you

Shore excursions

Consider your shore excursions and the weather that time of year. Along with comfortable clothes, comfortable and enclosed shoes are a must - particularly for any outdoor activities on the ship where thongs or sandals may be a safety hazard. Pack your own refillable water bottle as well, to save you buying bottles of water when out and about exploring. And you'll need a suitable backpack or beach bag to carry your items when onshore as well. If you are heading to the beach, pack your own beach towel too. 

On-board activities

Whether you like to hit the gym, take part in an art class or just laze by the pool, have a look at the on-board activities and pack accordingly. 

Image of running track on cruisePack accordingly for on-board activities of interest, such as running or using the gym


You don't want to spend your time or money doing laundry, so be sure to pack enough underwear to see you through the trip. Also pack some ziplock bags to separate your dirty clothes from your clean. 

Also pack the usuals like toothpaste, toothbrush, prescription medicines and so on. Blow dryers are usually supplied on-board, but a curling iron is not. 

If you are really particular about your clothes, pack a few extra clothes hangers to make sure you have enough to hang your special outfits. And although there will be some on-board, pack some personal hand sanitiser for extra peace of mind against germs.


Taking along a power board may help if you have a lot of things to plug in and charge up - as is a universal adaptor. A dry bag that you can put your camera and other items in when out exploring is also a good idea.

Image of 2 passportsEnsure you are prepared and have all correct documentation on board

Correct documentation

Doing your research on the documents you'll need to have on you during your cruise is very important. Before you depart, check if you require a visa, travel insurance information or any forms of ID so you aren't turned away on the day you're set to board.


Be sure to check what currency you will require both onboard and offshore. If the two are different, you won't want to be stuck without cash in either place - especially as gratuities are unspoken expectations in some cultures and countries. 

Going on a cruise?

Make sure you've got your travel insurance sorted before you depart. RAC offer reliable and well-priced travel insurance that will cover you overseas for a huge number of activities and scenarios. 

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