New analysis by RAC has revealed registration fees have increased by over 80 per cent in the past 10 years – almost five times the rate of inflation.

Following a three per cent rise in motor vehicle related fees on 1 July, RAC analysis has revealed a one car household would have saved $967 over the past decade if registration fees had only increased at the rate of inflation.

RAC General Manager External Relations Will Golsby said the new financial year had brought with it an overall three per cent increase to a range of fees including vehicle registration, license renewal, and motor injury insurance.

“RAC welcomed the decision by the WA Government to freeze motor vehicle related fees in 2020/21 – proving it can be done. However, our concern is we have returned to the types of excessive increases implemented by successive state governments,” Mr Golsby said.

“These ongoing fee increases, combined with other costs, add up over time to be a huge hit to motorists’ wallets, particularly given overall household transport costs have now hit record levels in WA.”

The Australian Automobile Association’s (AAA) latest Transport Affordability Index shows the average Perth household spent a record $377.25 per week on transport in the first quarter of 2021 – an increase of almost 14 per cent on the previous quarter.

“According to the AAA, WA households are now spending almost 15 per cent of their income on transport costs, which equates to almost $20,000 a year,” Mr Golsby said.

“The WA government has taken some important steps to reduce the cost of transport — including its two-zone cap on public transport fares — but increasing registration fees is not one of them.

“The cost of motoring remains a high priority issue for RAC members, so it’s disappointing that successive state governments have chosen to make it more and more expensive for motorists to get around.”

View RAC's full analysis of registration fess in WA here



Media contact:  Mikayla Wearne, 0401 703 719 or