RAC’s efforts to monitor Perth’s air pollution have been recognised by the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ), with RAC’s Air Health Monitor winning the 2024 Innovation and Excellence Awards in the Industry Excellence category.

The RAC Air Health Monitor is the largest air sensor network of its kind in Australia. Blending air quality data from sensors with other data sources like real-time traffic information and motor vehicle emissions, the Monitor tracks the level of transport-related pollutants, like particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide, circulating in Perth’s air.

With nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter causing a swathe of public health issues – from respiratory to cardiovascular issues – RAC Air Health Monitor data aims to help drive change to improve the air Western Australians breathe.

So far, the project has used 200 sensors to deliver more than 7 million hourly measurements across three pollutants from 143 suburbs in Perth and the Peel region.

RAC’s General Manager for Social Impact Anne Still said RAC had developed a robust system for the benefit of the community and was proud to be acknowledged by CASANZ.

“Since launching in late 2022, the RAC Air Health Monitor has found Perth’s air quality often exceeds acceptable levels as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which is a concern that poses significant health risks,” Ms Still said.

“The data we’re collecting and sharing will help drive behavioural change and government policy measures to help reduce the impact of harmful pollutants in Perth’s air.

“RAC is pleased the Monitor is helping shine a spotlight on important environmental and health issues and we look forward to working with governments and industry to drive positive change in the years ahead.”

The RAC Air Health Monitor comprises sensors provided by Californian technology company Clarity Movement Co, and a platform designed by engineering firm Ramboll.

“RAC would like to thank all our incredible project partners, stakeholders and sensor hosts for helping bring the RAC Air Health Monitor to fruition,” Ms Still said.

Find out more about the Air Health Monitor.

Award winners holding trophy


Media contact: RAC media team, 0401 703 719 or media@rac.com.au