RAC is urging Western Australians to drive with care, take regular rest stops and ensure they are well prepared for their travel arrangements this Easter weekend.

RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs, Will Golsby, said 72 per cent of WA road fatalities this year have been in regional areas, where many people choose to spend their Easter long weekends.

“The impact of road trauma is devastating, and we encourage all Easter travellers to do everything they can to be safe on our roads,” Mr Golsby said.

“Our road fatality count so far this year is alarming, particularly for the regional parts of our State.

“Of the 47 road fatalities this year, 34 have been in regional WA. And of those 34, half have been in regions that are popular long weekend destinations, such as the South West and Great Southern.”

Mr Golsby said taking regular rest stops was crucial for fighting fatigue.

“WA covers an area of 2.5 million square kilometres, which is bigger than the whole of Western Europe. As such, driving holidays in our State can be long, and fatigue is a significant factor for drivers on long stretches of WA roads,” he said.

“Fatigue is a silent killer. Driving tired slows down your reaction time and decreases your alertness. The reaction time of a driver who has been awake for 17 to 19 hours is similar to that of a driver with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05.

“Taking breaks is a crucial step in reducing driver fatigue and minimising your risk of having a serious crash.”

RAC will hold its annual free RAC Easter Pit Stop on Thursday 24 March for people on their way to the South West and Great Southern regions.

“We will be offering coffee, soft drinks, food and a chance to stretch your legs and take a break from driving. RAC Patrols will also be available to perform free car mechanical checks.

“Any life lost or serious injury caused on our roads is one too many,” Mr Golsby said.

“We need to ensure we do everything we can to bring WA’s road fatality count and serious injuries down.”

The RAC Easter Pit Stop will take place at the Dorsett Road Rest Stop, along the Forrest Highway, Waroona (36km south of Mandurah) on Thursday 24 March between 10am and 4pm.

Media contact: RAC Media Office 0401 703 719