RAC is urging motorists to put the safety of themselves, loved ones, and fellow road users at the top of the to-do-list this Easter.

The safety message comes after 2017 saw inattention match speeding and drink driving as a leading cause of road trauma across the state.

RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs, Will Golsby, said long weekends were some of the busiest and most dangerous times on WA roads.

“Easter is a popular time for holidays in regional WA, an area where the road fatality rate is five times higher than Perth metropolitan, so we remind motorists to make safety the top priority,” Mr Golsby said.

“The inattention epidemic is causing deaths and serious injuries at an alarming rate, and drivers who use their phones are risking fatal consequences.

“We urge all Easter travellers to put their phones away, or even better, turn them off completely.

“Fatigue also remains a silent killer, with the reaction time of a driver who has been awake for 17 to 19 hours similar to someone with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05.

 “Don’t start driving if you’re tired, and even if you feel OK it’s important to plan adequate breaks – at least every two hours.”

The RAC Easter Pit Stop*, which provides free refreshments and a chance to stretch tired legs, will be available on Thursday 29 March for people on their way to the South West and Great Southern regions. RAC Patrols will also offer free mechanical checks.

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*The RAC Easter Pit Stop will take place at the Dorsett Road Rest Stop, along the Forrest Highway, Waroona (36km south of Mandurah) on Thursday 29 March 10am – 4pm.

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