A new report commissioned by RAC reveals that over the past 12 years, for every dollar of motoring taxation collected by successive Federal Governments, WA has received an average of just 34 cents toward road and transport projects.

The report, by Acil Allen Consulting, also shows Western Australia is set to receive its lowest return from federal motoring tax in over a decade.

In 2021/22, WA is projected to pay $3.3 billion in motoring taxes, however in that same year only $562 million is forecast to be returned to fund road and transport projects – a return of just 17 cents in the dollar, the lowest level since 2007/08.

Commonwealth revenue vs spending on WA roads and transport - 2006-07 to 2021-22 

RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs, Will Golsby, said the upcoming Budget provides the opportunity for the current Federal Government to address the forecast shortfall and substantially increase its investment into the transport projects WA urgently needs.

“GST isn’t the only area where WA’s not been getting our fair share,” Mr Golsby said.

“Billions of dollars are being paid by WA motorists through taxes like fuel excise, yet this report clearly shows our State has been continually short changed by successive governments.

“WA is in desperate need of road and transport funding – we have a road fatality rate 33 per cent higher than the national average and 84 per cent higher than Victoria and, according to Infrastructure Australia, by 2031 we’ll be home to seven of the 10 most congested roads in the country.

“It is critical that current and future governments acknowledge these pressures and adequately fund the road and transport projects WA desperately needs.

“Urgent action is required to help reduce the high rate of deaths and serious injuries on our roads and manage the increasing social burden and economic impact of congestion.”


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