The 2016 Federal Budget has continued to fund important projects already in motion, but has not delivered the ‘game changers’ or innovation required to halt Western Australia’s march to becoming the most congested State in the nation.
The 2016 Federal Budget has continued to fund important projects already in motion, but has not delivered the ‘game changers’ or innovation required to halt Western Australia’s march to becoming the most congested State in the nation.

RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs, Will Golsby, said the impacts of congestion will only continue to build momentum because WA has once again not received its fair share of transport funding, a trend that has continued across successive Governments.

“By 2031 seven of the 10 most congested roads in the country will be in Perth, including the top four roads, and the cost of congestion is estimated to be more than $16 billion a year,” he said.

“This is a major concern for the community which is already feeling the effects of congestion, including the time it is taking away from their daily lives, and compounded by the lack of public transport options.

“The Budget also missed the opportunity to deliver additional rail projects or real innovation by investing in the technology needed to deliver a smarter transport network.

“This includes city-shaping public transport infrastructure like light rail, funding for managed freeways, or intelligent transport systems to squeeze more out of the existing infrastructure.

“Western Australian motorists are already paying more than their fair share and increasing revenue from fuel excise continues to flow to Canberra, yet it is unclear when we can expect to see reform of long-term transport funding to ensure it is fair and sustainable.”

In a positive and welcomed step, the Budget has continued to fund a number of important regional projects supported by RAC including the Great Northern Highway, Swan Valley Bypass, North West Coastal Highway, and projects in Perth including the Forrestfield Airport Link. It is also important that commitments have continued for the Black Spot and Roads to Recovery programmes.

However the Bunbury Outer Ring Road has not received funding and, two years on and two Budgets later, the Perth Freight Link proposal continues to lack critical information and detail.

More information about RAC’s federal priorities and key policies is available in the RAC Federal Priorities for Western Australia report.

RAC Media - 0401 703 719