RAC is urging Western Australians to prepare their homes for winter weather, after last year’s storm damage claims reached $102 million — an 83 per cent increase compared to 2020.

RAC Claims Manager Glen Walker said the majority of last year’s storm damage was caused by six highly destructive weather events across the State.

“Nearly $18 million of last year’s storm damage claims resulted from the severe storm on 9 July, which saw flash flooding and power outages. Perth’s western suburbs including Subiaco, Claremont, Nedlands, Wembley Downs and Innaloo were heavily impacted,” Mr Walker said.

“We’re likely to see at least four severe storms each year — that’s why we’re urging homeowners to take a look around their properties to ensure their homes are storm ready and to minimise any potential risks.” 

Common causes of storm damage include roof maintenance issues, fallen trees and branches, and flooding from blocked gutters and downpipes. 

“Fences accounted for 35 per cent of last year’s total storm claims, followed by gates, ceilings, roofs, and patios,” Mr Walker said. 

“There’s often damage caused to household goods too, once water starts leaking through a ceiling.” 

“There are simple steps you can take to prepare your home for a storm, such as securing outdoor objects, trimming branches, clearing trees from powerlines, cleaning your gutters and downpipes, and moving your car under shelter.”

For more information, view RAC's storm preparation fact sheet.

RAC members can choose to receive severe weather warning alerts in their area via email or SMS. Find out more here.

RAC'S tips for weathering a storm:

Storm preparation:

  • Check your roof for any damage and replace any damaged or missing tiles
  • Clear your gutters and downpipes
  • Trim tree branches
  • Secure any loose items around your property, including outdoor furniture, play equipment and trampolines
  • Park vehicles under shelter
  • Make sure your phone is fully charged

During the storm:

  • If there's lightning, unplug electrical appliances and avoid using your landline telephone
  • Stay indoors and away from windows
  • Make sure your pets have adequate shelter
  • In the event of flooding, you can make sandbags by filling plastic bags or pillowcases with sand
  • If you find yourself outdoors during a storm, take shelter away from trees, power lines, metal objects, stormwater drains, rivers and streams

Media contact: Olivia Palmer, 0401 703 719 or media@rac.com.au