The latest Australian Automobile Association’s Transport Affordability Index: November 2017 has again highlighted the increasing and ongoing financial burden of transport costs in WA.

RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs, Will Golsby, said the Affordability Index is also a timely reminder for the State Government that fees must not increase in the Mid-Year Review.

“Year on year motorists are paying more, with Perth now one of the most expensive cities in the country for transport,” Mr Golsby said.

A cyclist waiting at the lights
The Affordability Index, released today, also shows Perth has had the largest increases in transport costs of any other capital city.
“Total transport costs including registration and licensing, insurance, servicing, car loan repayments, fuel and public transport, cost the average Perth household $17,023 per year,” Mr Golsby said.
“This now represents approximately 13 per cent of the average Perth household budget - up from 10.5 per cent.
“Perth commuters pay more for public transport than commuters in almost every other capital city in Australia, second only to Sydney, with the average household now paying an additional $213 per year due to changes in Perth’s public transport fares.
“Perth also ranks as the third most expensive capital city for car registration and licensing costs, which have been increasing year on year.”

Cars driving on freeway

Of all the regional cities included in the Affordability Index, Bunbury is the second most expensive in the country, with the cost of transport around $14,797 per year.
“Bunbury recorded the highest increase of all regional areas due to vehicle servicing and increases in Government fees and charges,” Mr Golsby said.
“Bunbury has become the most expensive regional city in terms of vehicle registration, compulsory third party insurance and licensing costs. 
“The cost of motoring remains a high priority issue for RAC members. WA motorists must not be hit with further increases in motoring costs in this mid-year review.”

Media contact: Kirsty Petrides - 0401 703 719  |

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