The Royal Automobile Club of WA (Inc.) ABN 33 212 133 120 User ID 612003 as the Debit User will initiate direct debit payment in accordance with Your instructions and these terms and conditions apply whether You have given instructions to Us in writing, by email, over the phone or in person. If You do not accept these terms and conditions, or You wish to cancel or amend Your direct debit arrangements, or defer a debit payment, You must notify Us at least 6 business days prior to Your debit day by writing to us at GPO Box C140, Perth WA 6839 or calling us on 13 17 03
Please keep this agreement for future reference. It forms part of the terms and conditions of Your Direct Debit Request (DDR) to be read in conjunction with Your Direct Debit Confirmation.
- The details of Your direct debit request including a schedule of when payments will be drawn will be provided to You in writing. Payments will be withdrawn either annually, monthly or quarterly, depending on the selection You have made.
- We will give You not less than 14 days written notice if we propose to vary the details of Your direct debit arrangements.
- We charge a 6% administration fee for monthly and quarterly payments made by direct debit. Please note Your Financial Institution may also charge for services relating to Your direct debit arrangements.
- If You wish to cancel Your direct debit arrangements with Us You must arrange a suitable alternative payment method and pay the balance of any outstanding Roadside Assistance fees before We will cancel Your direct debit arrangements.
- We reserve the right to cancel this direct debit arrangement should one or more of Your debit payments be returned or dishonoured. You shall be responsible for any fees associated with dishonoured payments.
- If Your debit payment is returned or dishonoured by Your Financial Institution, We reserve the right to redraw after 10 days.
- If You cancel Your debit payments and want to renew Your Roadside Assistance, You will need to pay the balance of Your current Roadside Assistance in full prior to renewal.
- You wish to cancel Your Roadside Assistance at any time before the renewal date, You must pay the balance of any fees owing prior to cancellation.
- A credit that is applied to a Roadside Assistance balance at any time during a Product Year will not affect amounts still payable towards that balance. Once Your Roadside Assistance is due for renewal, the credit will be deducted from the forthcoming years’ fees and Your debit payment schedule will be amended accordingly.
- If a debit payment is returned or dishonoured and You require Roadside Assistance, You may be required to pay the missed payment before service is rendered.
- If a debit payment falls due on a day that is not a banking day, the payment may be taken on the last banking day prior to the debit day or will be made on the next banking day. If You are unsure when the debit will be processed to Your account, You should ask Your Financial Institution.
- Any queries concerning disputed debit payments must be directed to Us in the first instance by contacting Us on 13 17 03 or at any RAC Member Service Centre. If We cannot resolve a query or dispute between Us, You may refer Your query or dispute by contacting Your Financial Institution for assistance.
- If We conclude as a result of our investigations that Your account has been incorrectly debited, We will respond to Your query by arranging a refund to Your account and advise You of the amount refunded.
- Direct debiting through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) is not available on the full range of accounts at all financial institutions. If in doubt, You should check with Your Financial Institution before requesting direct debit from Us.
- You are advised to check Your account details against a recent statement before completing a direct debit request.
- It is Your responsibility to have sufficient cleared funds available in the account to be debited to enable debit payments to be made.
- Except to the extent that disclosure is necessary in order to process debit payments, investigate and resolve disputed transactions or is otherwise required by law, We will keep any information (including Your account details) in Your Direct Debit Request confidential.
- If paying by direct debit, We may automatically renew Your cover on the renewal date. If We plan to automatically renew, We will let You know We intend to do this before Your Roadside Assistance Cover ends and send You details of the renewal premium. If You do not want to renew Your Roadside Assistance Cover, You should let Us know before the renewal date.
account means the account held at your financial institution from which we are authorised to arrange for funds to be debited.
agreement means this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement between you and us.
banking day means a day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a public holiday listed throughout Australia.
debit day means the day that payment by you to us is due.
debit payment means a particular transaction where a debit is made.
Direct Debit Request means the verbal or online request between us and you to debit funds from your account.
us or we means The Royal Automobile Club of WA (Inc.)(the Debit User) you have authorised by requesting a Direct Debit Request.
you means the customer who has authorised the Direct Debit Request.
your financial institution means the financial institution at which you hold the account is maintained you have authorised us to debit.