Reconnect WA seeks to help reimagine and revitalise streets and public spaces, laying the foundation to support safe, sustainable, and connected communities. The initiative aims to inspire residents and business communities to co-design these projects and help create places for Western Australians to interact and reconnect with each other.

So far, we’ve...


Supported 22 projects with 20 local governments.

Awarded over $2.6 million in funding.
An illustration of a heart
An illustration of a heart

Co-designed place enhancements and run events with thousands of Western Australians.

Launched projects

Child painting on wood 

Wellard Village 7 Day Makeover

In partnership with the City of Kwinana, the Strand in Wellard was made over in just seven days to create a more vibrant and active community space. The makeover was led by place-making expert David Engwicht and co-designed and delivered by more than 170 community volunteers.

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People gathering in town centre 

Town of Bassendean 'Power to the People'

In partnership with the Town of Bassendean, we helped to redesign and activate the high street in Bassendean’s town centre, closing part of the road to traffic to create a more pedestrian-friendly community space.

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A young boy is riding his bike along a brightly painted footpath in Hannay Lane 

Hannay Lane in Dunsborough

In partnership with the City of Busselton, we converted Hannay Lane in Dunsborough into a more pedestrian friendly street.

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View all launched projects

Coming soon to regional WA