RAC’s Community Education team is heading east to the Goldfields next week to educate students and young drivers about staying safe on the roads.

RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs, Will Golsby, said the Community Education team had delivered road safety messages to more than 450,000 students since 2002.

“Students are taught the importance of safe driving and being a responsible passenger, as well as the effects of alcohol, speed and reckless behaviour,” Mr Golsby said.

“Last year, 161 loved ones were lost on our roads. Of those, people aged 17 to 19 accounted for 10 per cent of the fatalities despite only making up four per cent of the population. These results are worrying and reinforce the importance of educating young drivers.”

RAC’s most recent young driver survey showed more than half of those surveyed sent or read a text message while driving, while 84 per cent admitted to driving while tired or fatigued.

“These students are our next generation of drivers and we want to ensure they have a good understanding of road safety and the consequences of bad decisions,” Mr Golsby said.

RAC’s Community Education team will visit Eastern Goldfields College, Kambalda West District High School and Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School.

The presentations are tailored according to the needs of local schools and combine visual, factual and interactive learning activities in a road safety workshop.

RAC’s Community Education team will make 10 trips to schools in regional Western Australia in 2016.

For more information about RAC Community Education visit the RAC website.

Media Contact: RAC Media Office 0401 703 719