In collaboration with Nani Creative, we invited Aboriginal artists from across the state to submit an expression of interest to create an artwork that celebrates the cultural stories connected to their Country, while encouraging people to travel safely.

Five artists were selected and commissioned to create artworks that featured on billboards and/or public transit buses within their Country during National Reconciliation Week, as well as National Road Safety Week and the WA Day long weekend.

The project aims to:

  • Acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands we are privileged to share and operate in
  • Celebrate and raises awareness of the cultural stories connected to each Country
  • Encourage people to take care on the roads as they travel through
Whadjuk Noongar artist Dannielle Arnold and her artwork 'Bilya Nyitting'
Whadjuk Noongar artist Dannielle Arnold and her artwork 'Bilya Nyitting'

The selected artists and the Country their work represents are:

  • Dannielle Arnold – Whadjuk Country
  • Godfrena Gilla – Yamatji Country
  • Leanne Dolby – Yawuru Country
  • Michael Cummings – Menang Country
  • Tahneqa Dann – Wardandi Country

This project was delivered in collaboration with Nani Creative, a local Aboriginal graphic design firm. Creative Director Kevin Wilson worked with all five artists throughout the project, ensuring the authenticity of each artist’s work was maintained as they were digitised for use on billboards and bus sides.

Artwork by Whadjuk Noongar artist Dannielle Arnold titled 'Bilya Nyitting' is featured across a Transperth bus, with an RAC Road Safety message.  
A bus covered with the artwork 'Season's Journey' by Wardandi Yamatji Wongi artist Tahneqa Dann. Over the artwork is text that states "This is Wardandi Country. Please drive safely". 
A bus covered in the artwork 'Goorlil' by Bard-Yawuru artist Leanne Dolby. Over the artwork is text that states "This is Yawuru Country. Please drive safely".  
A bus covered in the artwork 'My Land' by Yamatji Noongar artist Godfrena Gilla. Over the artwork is text that reads "This is Yamatji Country. Please drive safely". 
A bus covered in the artwork 'How the Menang Men Hunted the Gray Kangaroo' by Menang artist Michael Cummings. Over the artwork is text that reads "This is Menang Country. Please drive safely". 

Yamatji Noongar artist Godfrena Gilla with her artwork titled 'My Land'.

Yamatji Noongar artist Godfrena Gilla with her artwork titled 'My Land'.

Artists Godfrena Gilla, Leanne Dolby and Dannielle Arnold.

Artists (left to right) Godfrena Gilla, Leanne Dolby and Dannielle Arnold.

Bard-Yawuru Yamatji artist Leanne Dolby with her artwork titled 'Goorlil'

Bard-Yawuru Yamatji artist Leanne Dolby stands in front of her artwork titled 'Goorlil'.