The Royal Automobile Club of W.A. (Incorporated) is an Incorporated Association and as such is governed by the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA) which forms the basis of our Club Rules and By-Laws.

The Club is governed by a Council of 15 members, elected by eligible voting RAC members annually, with the results declared at the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The RAC and the Council must act in accordance with the RAC Rules and By-Laws and are bound by various laws in relation to the governance of the RAC.

For further details please refer to the Corporate Governance Statement in the PDF document Corporate Governance Statement (2187KB).

The links below summarise the governance of the organisation for the benefit of all members and the rules governing RAC membership:

PDF document RAC Rules (PDF 336KB)

PDF document RAC By-Laws (PDF 433KB)

RAC Whistleblower Policy

At RAC, we have a proud history of being trusted by our members and the wider community. Our vision, culture and brand are all synonymous with trust and integrity. Our people are expected to uphold these values and behave responsibly and ethically.

Any concerns you have about possible wrongdoing or inappropriate conduct can be raised via our Whistleblower Service. All Whistleblower disclosures are handled sensitively and confidentially.

We're committed to the protection of those making genuine disclosures, and will not tolerate victimisation and/or adverse consequences such as demotion, discrimination, dismissal or other adverse treatment in reprisal for those genuine disclosures.

PDF document RAC Whistleblower Policy (PDF 266KB)

RAC CouncilAGM Election