Nigel Barley - Paralympian and Wheels2go ambassador

Silver Medallist, London 2012 Paralympic Games Wheels2go ambassador

Disability Paraplegia acquired through a work site accident
Date of Birth 27/09/1974
Home Parkerville, WA
Occupation Athlete
Sport H3 Cycling - road time trial, road race
Equipment Specially modified carbon fibre cycle, valued at over $20,000
Started Competing 220
First competed for Australia 2005
Career Highlights Winning silver at the 2012 London paralympic Games; winning gold at the 2012 World Cup in Sergovia, Spain.

Rode from Perth Sydney on a hand-cycle in 2007 over six weeks and 4,437km
Favourite past time Walking his two dogs - an Australian bulldog named Voodoo and a chocolate Labrador named Coco
Favourite TV show Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel
Favourite holiday destination Lucerne, the Swiss lakeside city
Quirky competition ritual Showering in his race clothes when he gets back to his room. He then washes the race clothes and competes in them the next day.
I could have used Wheels2go when... I accidently wheeled into a patch of thorns and had no choice but to wheel away with two flat tyres - imagining riding a bike with two flat tyres...but worse!