When planning a trip overseas, start thinking about your health and what you might need in your travel insurance policy.

Being over 60 years of age or having a pre-existing medical condition doesn’t mean you won’t be covered by travel insurance, or that it has to be expensive.

But it does mean you may need to do some extra research to find the policy that’s right for you.

What is a pre-existing medical condition?

It is any physical condition, defect, illness or disease for which treatment, medication, surgery or advice (including investigation) has been received or prescribed by a medical practitioner, dental or health professional in the 12 months before purchasing a policy.

If you’ve already bought a policy and you are diagnosed with a new medical condition that you weren’t fully aware of, this may be covered but you'll need to discuss it with your travel consultant.

Traveller sorting out paperwork
Make sure you check the conditions of your travel insurance if you have a pre-existing condition

How does it affect your travel insurance policy?

Many travel insurance policies, particularly comprehensive cover, have a list of automatically accepted conditions as long as you haven’t been hospitalised for the condition in the past 12 months. Check your Product Disclosure Statement to see what you’re fully covered for.

If you have a condition that is not automatically covered by your insurer, you may be able to get additional medical condition cover that is applied separately.

The cover may be subject to special conditions, limitations, excess and amounts payable depending on your age.

Your travel consultant will go through a medical questionnaire to find out whether you can be covered and what the additional cost may be.

What if you don’t choose to take out additional cover?

Your travel insurance provider won’t pay any costs arising from health problems related to or associated with that condition. If you are given medical treatment overseas, all costs including repatriation back to Australia will be at your own expense.