RAC has been hosting bstreetsmart in Western Australia since 2012, and in this time more than 95,000 secondary school students have attended.
RAC bstreetsmart features a crash scene re-enactment attended by the emergency services, just as it would occur at a real crash site. The students also have the opportunity to listen to speakers who have been directly impacted by road trauma and talk with emergency services personnel.
Upcoming Events
Date: Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 March 2025 - registrations closed
Venue: RAC Arena
Times: Arrival from 9am for 10:15am start, and concludes at 1:45pm (anticipated latest departure)
Download the RAC bstreetsmart 2025 event program (PDF 934KB)
Never been to RAC bstreetsmart? Check out our short video to see what it's all about.
For regional schools
RAC Project Road Smart® is a free road safety event for senior schools in regional WA. Like RAC bstreetsmart the event program features a crash re-enactment, which has been filmed as a docudrama and showcases the response by real-life emergency services. Students also hear from guest speakers who have been directly affected by road trauma.
Event day information
Information on preparing for event day and getting to and from RAC Arena
- Registered schools will receive a tailored Travel Plan before event day
- Travel Plans will include your school travel arrangements, walking routes and parking zones
- There is no bus parking available at RAC Arena
- Departure details will be on your Travel Plan and will be safely coordinated by the venue
- Traffic management staff will manage the safe arrival and departure of schools around the CBD
- Doors to RAC Arena will open at 9:15 am
- Schools should arrive at RAC Arena no later than 9:45 am to pass through security checks
- Schools are to arrive as a group and will be seated on arrival
- Students are required to wear appropriate school uniform
- Due to security restrictions, bags larger than A4 (including handbags) are not permitted in the venue.
- Students should carry their personal items and lunch in a small day bag.
- Students should bring a personal packed lunch to the event
- Commercial food or outside catering is not permitted at RAC Arena (e.g. Subway sandwiches)
- There will be limited concession stands open inside the Arena to purchase snacks only
- The event will commence promptly at 10.15 am and conclude at 1.30 pm (includes a 40 minute lunch break)
- Students will not be able to leave the venue during the lunch break and a strict pass-out policy applies to exceptional circumstances
- Schools will not be able to leave early due to disruption
- RAC bstreetsmart event team will be available at the information desk throughout the event
Download the one page overview of the event.
Information for parents and caregivers (PDF 872KB)