Thinking of car insurance? It could save you thousands in the event of an accident. Here are a few ways you might be able to save on car insurance with RAC.

First, make sure you’ve got the right cover

Think about how much your car is worth, what you'd like to be covered for and what might happen if you don’t have the right cover. If you’ve got the lowest level of cover, this might prove to be a false economy if you cause an accident and end up thousands of dollars out of pocket. So choose the cover that’s right for you.

Get Roadside Assistance and stay with RAC

If you have Roadside Assistance with us, you may save on the premium for your Comprehensive Car Insurance #. You may also be able to save on some of your other policies with us.

Find out more about the different types of membership.

Increase your basic excess and pay less

When you get a car insurance quote from RAC, you can adjust your basic excess and see the effect on your quoted premium. The higher the excess, the lower your premium. Before making a decision, consider what's right for you.

If you already have car insurance with us, you can also adjust your excess.

Pay annually

Often it’s cheaper to pay annually. That’s food for thought!

Strip out the extras and save

You can pay extra to add a hire car after an accident. If you don’t need this optional extra, then you may remove it and save instead.

This might be another way you can save.

Get a discount for a low emission car

If you buy Comprehensive Car Insurance and you have a qualifying low emissions car, you can get a discount on your car insurance.

Your cover

We recommend you read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to see if the policy is right for you.

Car Insurance with RAC

Whether you’ve got a trusty hatchback or the latest SUV, keep your car covered with a trusted, local insurer.

Get a quote 

Discount may be subject to minimum premiums, check Premium Excess and Discount Guide (PEDG) for details.

Benefits are subject to policy conditions and PEDG. Before you make a decision, please check the PDS to see if the policy is right for you. Excludes red card members.

This product is issued by RAC Insurance Pty Limited. Our products are developed and distributed for appropriate target markets in accordance with our Policy. Benefits are subject to policy conditions and PEDG. Before you make a decision, please check the PDS and Target Market Determinations to see if the policy is right for you.

This information is correct as of 21/11/2023.