How do I update how I pay my insurance?
You can reschedule your next payment or update your payment method for:
- Car insurance
- Home insurance
- Caravan insurance
You can update your payment details in myRAC. To change your payment date for all future payments, please call 13 17 03.
Step 1: Log in to myRAC
Log in to myRAC. If you don’t already have a myRAC account, you'll need to register first.
Step 2: Select ‘Update how you pay’
Choose the policy you wish to update then select Update how you pay.

Step 3: Update your payment details
Choose the date you'd like to change the next payment for. You can also change the account you're paying from or add a new account. Then select Confirm.
Note: The only payment date you can change is the next one. After this, payments will go back to the original date.