The Cherry Blossom & Garden Tour takes you to the most spectacular sights of this beautiful country, while the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. For a limited time frame each year, the Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) literally litter the ground, and the weather is perfect for visiting the natural and historical sites of Japan.

A closeup of a branch of cherry blossom in full bloom
Kiyomizudera temple in front of Kyoto's skyline by sunset
Fushimi Inari-Taisha Shrine with its vibrant red torii gates forming an archway

To ensure you make the most of your tour, a professional English speaking guide will accompany you from Tokyo to Osaka. You will enjoy delicious local cuisine, comfortable transport, quality accommodation and much, much more!

Map of Japan indicating all stops and number of nights spent in each location on this itinerary