Have you seen the orange e-scooters around Perth? Powered by Neuron Mobility, these hireable e-scooters have made getting places more accessible and introduced this popular mode of transport to the broader community. With the increase of e-riders in public places, education around safe riding and how to properly operate an e-scooter has become essential.

In November, we supported Neuron Mobility to deliver their #ScootSafe workshops around the Perth metropolitan area. Run by industry professionals, these workshops offered participants an opportunity to try an e-scooter, practice skills in a protected environment, and learn about the local riding rules.

Throughout the month, six free public workshops were held in various locations around Perth.

During these sessions, attendees learnt:

  • How to get started as a first-time rider
  • How to use Neuron’s e-scooter safety features
  • How to perform a pre-ride safety inspection
  • Basic e-scooter riding skills, including WA Rules and Regulations
  • Advanced manoeuvres
  • Courteous riding and parking in Western Australia

Neuron employee teaching people how to ride e-scooters

In addition to community workshops, some of our RAC people attended a staff session at RAC Arena, where they also learnt about e-scooters and had a chance to build their riding confidence.

The workshops were hugely popular and saw people from a range of ages and competency levels attend. Prior to the workshop, most attendees said they had never used an e-scooter before and after completing the safety training, 100% of attendees said they had a greater understanding of how to safely operate an e-scooter on and off the road and would recommend the workshop to their family and friends.

This initiative supports our vision to reduce the rate of people killed and seriously injured on our roads.

Find out more or attend an upcoming RAC E-scooter Essentials workshop, click on the buttons below.

E-scooter Essentials