1. Cycling saves you money
If you are just starting out, there is no need to spends loads of money on a set of wheels. Depending on the type of bike you get and whether you’re happy with a pre-loved set of peddles, you can get something from as little as $150, which would work out much cheaper than driving or catching public transport.
If you drive to work
The average weekly cost of fuel in WA is $74.62, so when only looking at petrol, your bike would be paid off in about two weeks. But you also need to take into account the cost of owning and running your car, like regular servicing, licensing and registration. If you drive a Toyota Camry, for instance, that weekly cost goes up to about $184.47 a week. That could buy you a whole new bike
If you catch public transport
If you buy a Smartrider for $20, use the 20% auto-load discount, and travel from Hillarys to the CBD for instance, you're looking at $46.40 per week.So your bike would be paid off in about a month.
Whichever way you commute, by switching to a bike, you'll start seeing serious saving right away.

2. Improves your health and fitness
Everyone knows exercise makes you fitter and healthier, and cycling provides a great cardiovascular workout. Cycling is also low impact, making it easy on your joints and reducing the risk of strains and injuries. Plus, you’re getting some vitamin D while on the cycle path which is good news for your immune system.
3. Improves your productivity
Research shows exercising in the morning actually leads to a more productive work day - so if your morning commute is also a workout, you’re setting yourself up for a great day at the office.

4. It saves you time
Your morning commute could be faster on a bike due to not sitting in peak hour traffic. Furthermore, by combining your office commute with your daily workout, you don’t need to hit the gym after work, which frees up your time for friends and family.

5. You can try e-bikes
If your commute is a little too long for your current fitness level - an e-bike could be a great solution. Being able to swap between electric and pedal power means if you get tired or hit some steep hills, you can have a break without stopping your journey. As you get more confident and build your endurance, you can gradually reduce the amount of time you spend relying on the battery-powered assistance to give you a boost as you pedal.
Pedal power got you intrigued?
With around 483,000 people cycling in WA every week, RAC is working to make cycling, including e-bikes, more convenient and a realistic commuting option for Western Australians.