The Peel region blazes with endless colour typically from September - November.
Donkey orchids, Hakea and kangaroo paw are often sighted throughout the season. Here are some species you might see in the region and some of the best places to spot them.
The Estuary Walk
Len Howard Conservation Park, Len Howard Drive, Erskine, Mandurah
Duration: 6km - 2 hours.
Follow the Old Coast Rd 5km south from Mandurah to Erskine. Turn left into Wattleglen Avenue, then right down Silverton Crescent - the Park is at the end. Expect to see native wisteria, cowslip orchids, Blue Lace flowers, white myrtle interspersed with larger wattles, tuarts and paperbarks while the shores are lined with banksias, flaxes and rushes.
Beacham Reserve Walk
Wanjeep Street, Coodanup, Mandurah
Duration: 2kms - 1 hour
This triangular park in Mandurah has paths around the outside and one running straight through the middle. In September, you may see Bee Orchids, Spider Orchids, Donkey Orchids and Green Hood Orchids, Banksias, Wattles and native wisteria and buttercups.
Island Point Walk
Island Point Nature Reserve, Southern Estuary Road, Herron
Duration: 4km - 2 hours

Take a journey on the multiple paths and a boardwalk through this reserve to the Estuary. Expect to see spider orchids, enamel orchids, cowslip orchids, banksias, native buttercups and wisteria. The best time for viewing is late September - October.
Harvey River Walk Trail
Corner Forrest Highway & Dorsett Road Waroona 6220
Duration: Approx. 2km return
The trail leads to a reserve which has some lovely wildflowers including cowslip, spider orchids, wattles and Swan River myrtle in Spring. This is a lovely walk to do any time of year. On one side is the Harvey River and on the other are conservation class wetlands - watch out for fauna!
Kitty's Gorge Trail
Jarrahdale Road, Jarrahdale WA 6214
With three walk trails from 1km - 14km long, Kitty’s Gorge is one of WA’s Top Trails and a moderate Class 4 walk which follows the Serpentine River and Gooralong Brook. Leave your vehicle at Stacey’s Trail Head opposite Jarrahdale Cemetary, or the other end at the Serpentine Falls car park and walk down. The walk starts opposite the cemetery in Jarrahdale on Stacey’s Track. Turn left onto the trail into the connection with Kitty’s Gorge, which follows the Gorge from Jarrahdale to the Serpentine Falls through some rugged heavily treed areas featuring lovely cataracts. About halfway down there is a mud house called Spencer’s Cottage where the family used to grow their summer vegetables with the water from Goorolong Brook, which joins the Serpentine River. There are the remains of an old bridge that the Spencer family placed there to cross the river, which must have been quite an undertaking back in the day.
Last updated August, 2018